Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Simple Ways to Improve your Mood

Over 100 million people in the world are dealing with depression and over 250 million people right now are in a bad mood. Are you one of those people? If so, here are some ways to get happier and be more energetic. 

Exercise. This is very important, not only physically but mentally as well. Exercising outdoors is normally better than indoors. When you exercise outdoors, you generally are more inclined to keep it up as well as more energetic. Not only that but if you live near a cool place and you decide to go for a run, the scenery is a nice little added bonus. Some cool activities to do outside are running, playing a sport like baseball or basketball, going for a bike ride, walking your dog, or if you live in a cold climate, try ice skating.

Eat. There are some foods that naturally improve your mood. Try eating some dark chocolate. Not only does it taste good, it is good for your brain and your heart as well as it is full of antioxidants. Also try apples with peanut butter, green tea, nuts, and a spinach salad.

Call Someone. If you call a family member or a friend and share a problem, you'll notice an immediate boost in your mood. Talking to someone who cares and shows an interest about you is something not everyone does, but it definitely helps. Also, why not go out to lunch with some members of your family or hang out with some friends. It is a great way to relax and have a good time, which will end up boosting your mood.

Help People. In my opinion, the absolute most effective way to improve your mood. Not only does it enhance your mood, you are being a good person, which is always a good thing, haha. Very simple things like holding the door open for someone or giving someone a great tip like a waiter can make a HUGE difference. I want you to check out this video below. It is a guy giving a homeless man 1,000 dollars. This video is so emotional and shows you that making positive differences in peoples lives is really what life is about, as well as relationships. 

If you have any questions feel free to send me a message and if you have any other tips feel free to leave a comment. Do you need motivation for losing weight and eating healthy? Click here

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